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Standalone - using Python virtual environment

Cheminformatics Microservice can also be deployed as a standalone application using the Python virtual environment. Here are the step by step instructions.

  1. Install Python: Install Python on your machine by following the instructions for your specific operating system.

  2. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  3. Navigate to the directory where your CM project codebase is located: Use cd to navigate to the project directory.

  4. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended): Run the command python -m venv env to create a new virtual environment named "env" for your app.

  5. Activate the virtual environment (if created): Depending on your operating system, run the appropriate command to activate the virtual environment. For example, on Windows, run .\env\Scripts\activate, and on macOS/Linux, run source env/bin/activate.

  6. Install FastAPI and required dependencies: Run the command pip install -r requirements.txt to install FastAPI and the necessary dependencies.

  7. Run the FastAPI app: Execute the command uvicorn main:app --reload to start the CM app.

  8. Wait for the app to start: Uvicorn will start the app and display the server address (usually http://localhost:8000) in the terminal or command prompt.

  9. Access the FastAPI app: Open a web browser and navigate to the server address displayed in the terminal or command prompt. You should see your FastAPI app running.

That's it!